


A. 政策

皇冠8868会员登录山谷学院的政策是为残疾人士, 谁需要服务性动物的帮助,有平等的机会进入大学 property, courses, programs, activities and employment.

本政策符合 美国残疾人法案 (ADA) of 1990 as amended; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (P.L. 93-11) and 45 CFR第84部分; Fair Housing Act of 1968 42 U.S.C. 3601等序列.; and 49章.60 RCW.

B. 定义

服务的动物:  服务性动物是经过正式训练的狗或迷你马 对残疾人士有利的任务,包括身体、感官、 mental, psychological, intellectual, or other mental disabilities.

治疗动物: A therapy animal is an animal that provides emotional support or passive comfort that alleviates one or more of the identified symptoms or effects of a disability. A therapy animal (also known as an emotional support animal or comfort animal) is not a service animal under this policy. 访问 for therapy animals is evaluated similar 如有其他住宿要求,应直接向学生申请 协调员办公室.

老板: Owner means any person having an interest in or right of possession to a service animal, or any person having control, custody, or possession of a service animal.

C. 哪里允许服务性动物

一般来说,服务性动物的主人被允许陪同他们的服务 允许动物进入学院所有设施和项目的所有区域 去. Such areas include public areas, public events, classrooms, and other areas where college programs or activities are held. 服务性动物除外 访问权限见下文H节.

D. 评估服务动物状态

  1. 允许查询
    学院的工作人员必须允许服务性动物进入一个事件或活动 当很明显动物受过工作或表演训练时,主人 其所有者的任务. Examples include a dog guiding an individual who is blind or 视力低下,需要拉轮椅或提供稳定的帮助 or balance to an individual with an observable mobility disability.

    If the need for the service animal is not apparent, college personnel may only ask the following of service animal owners:

    *Is the service animal required because of a disability?
    *What work or task has the animal been trained to perform?

    如果饲主声明该动物因残疾而必须饲养,并且 动物被训练为主人工作或完成任务,然后是服务性动物 必须承认. (See Section H for areas where a service animal may be excluded.) 如果对某只动物是否为服务性动物有任何疑问,学院工作人员应该 接收动物,然后就未来与学生接触协调员协商 访问.

    Misrepresentation of a service animal can incur a penalty up to $500.

    服务性动物的主人不得被问及他们的残疾或残疾的性质 medical documentation of it, except as provided in Sections I and J below. 主人 可不可以要求办理特殊登记、身份证、驾驶证等 documentation that the animal is a service animal, or to demonstrate the animal's 完成工作或任务的能力.

  2. 大学帮助
    服务性动物的主人不需要在学院注册他们的服务性动物. 服务性动物的主人,包括经常进入大学的学生和客人 教学楼鼓励与WVC学生通道办公室或人力资源部联系 (见第L节). The student 访问 officer or human resources office can then assist 业主通过提前通知学院人员,如教师,顾问, 建筑协调员等., that the owner and service animal are entitled to 访问. 员工 with service animals should follow the process outlined in Section J.


服务 animal owners are responsible for complying with:

  1. 始终把服务性动物置于他们的直接控制之下,比如用挽具, leash, or other tether; however, if the use of a harness, leash, or other tether interferes with the service animal's safe, effective performance of work or tasks, or if the owner's disability prevents the use of such devices, then the service animal must 通过语音控制、信号或其他有效手段,处于所有者的控制之下.
  2. 确保服务动物不会打扰或扰乱正常的学术或行政工作 功能.
  3. 服务动物后立即清理并妥善处理服务 动物粪便或其他碎屑.
  4. 禁止服务性动物进入学校的任何池塘或喷泉 前提.
  5. 遵守任何相关的市,县,和/或州的执照和皮带法律 服务性动物在大学场所,包括皇冠8868会员登录市 代码[5.28.150] “All dogs and cats over 6 months of age…shall have current rabies vaccination”; [5.28.015] “Any owner of a dog or cat four months old or older must 获取有效的license.”

The owner is responsible for damage or injury caused by the service animal.


学院工作人员只能要求服务性动物的主人移走他们的服务性动物 from college 前提 or from the immediate area as follows:

  1. 如果服务性动物不受主人或服务性动物的直接控制 扰乱或破坏正常的行政、学术或程序程序, then the owner must first be given an opportunity to get the animal under control. If the disruption or disturbance continues, then the owner may be asked to remove the animal; or
  2. 如果服务动物的存在、行为或行动构成直接的 危险或危及人身或财产时,可要求业主立即解除 the animal and campus security or 911 (emergency assistance) may be contacted.

如果要求移走服务性动物,必须向主人提供这样做的机会 返回学院或附近地区,没有服务动物和 be provided with reasonable assistance at that time to participate in the college 服务或程序.

A service animal may only be excluded for an individual event based on its or the 业主在该事件中的行为. The service animal or its owner cannot be excluded 从基于过去事件的问题的未来事件中提取,除非本节中有规定 G.

主人 with concerns about the removal of their service animal should contact the student 访问 coordinator or human resources (见第L节).

G. 违反政策

Depending on the seriousness of the animal's conduct or repeated conduct, service animals may be excluded from college property temporarily or permanently. 的安全, 安全和应急经理负责进行必要的评估 regarding ongoing or permanent removal of a service animal. 如果是服务性动物 除上述情况外,指定的残疾服务办公室可协助评估 reasonable accommodations for the owner.

主人 who violate this policy or disregard an instruction to remove or exclude a 来自学校物业的服务性动物可能会受到额外的处罚,包括 禁止进入任何大学财产,或根据适用城市处以其他罚款或处罚; county, or state rules, regulations, or laws. 所有者违反此政策 哪些大学生或员工可能会受到纠正或纪律处分 行动.


如果符合条件,服务性动物可能会被限制进入学院的特定区域 with other college policies, state, and/or federal laws/regulations. 这些例子 领域可能包括:

  1. Food preparation areas; and
  2. Biologically sensitive or hazardous research sites.

如果服务性动物被限制进入某些区域,指定的残疾服务 办公室可以帮助业主评估合理的住宿条件.


必须提出在大学宿舍使用服务性动物或治疗性动物的要求 通过适当的住房办公室或指定的残疾服务办公室(见 L节).

J. 带服务动物的员工

根据董事会政策500.400, "Reasonable Accommodation," college employees who require 在工作场所使用服务性动物应提出住宿要求. For more information and to make a request for a workplace accommodation, contact the human resources office (见第L节).

K. 训练中的服务动物

在训练中的服务性动物可能被允许,但没有权利,同样的访问 作为服务性动物. Individuals wanting to use college 前提 for service animal training should contact the student 访问 coordinator. 任何携带 在学校接受培训的服务动物有责任遵守这一规定 政策,包括上文E节.

L. 指定残疾服务办事处

Director of Student 访问 (for members of the public and students).
电子邮件: Kli@syzks.net

Executive Director of 人力资源 (college employees).
电子邮件: rbellamy@syzks.net

M. 投诉解决资源

个人谁希望作出投诉,大学员工可能违反了 学院的非歧视和/或不报复政策,包括失败 to permit 访问 to a service animal under this policy, may contact:

A designated disability services officer listed in Section L

The United States Department of Education Office for Civil Rights (OCR)
电子邮件: ocr@ed.gov

The Equal 就业 Opportunity Commission

The Washington State Human Rights Commission

Approved by the president’s cabinet: 12/4/18
Adopted by the board of trustees: 1/16/19

1400.095 服务 & 情感支持动物程序